Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The SDS LARP (Students For A Democratic Society Live-Action Roleplay)

 SDS LARP is a re-enactment LARP that takes place in the 1960's Universities where protesting students try to start a revolution through the universities and colleges. Various factions of the SDS with differing beliefs versus the police, military, politicians, professors clash in a battle of wits, debates, agendas, and melees in the pursuit of freedom.

As some LARPS are just stick-jock foam fighting activities in a medieval or fantasy world, SDS LARPING is a much more varied experience. There is the SDS meetings with debates, the debates with professors and other authority figures, the psychedelic rock parties, happenings/sit-ins/shin-digs, the peaceful protests that sometimes turn into a riot, and of course, the melee clash between SDS and professors, police, military, corporations, etc. We are trying to re-create the 60's experience in a LARP with all kinds of countercultural activities. Of course, the melee action between SDS and police for example, use safe foam fighting. 

Watch Getting Straight! It is a good introduction to the genre and SDS, and SDS LARPING. It is Quentin Taratino's favorite! you can watch it on AMAZON PRIME 

here he discusses the film with Kim Novak on "the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" show. 

Check out the fantasy fun world of "The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart"!!it is on DVD 

another trailer of Magic Garden

And of course, the masterpiece that is Michelangelos Antonioni's "Zabrinskie Point" is unbelievable and has to be seen to be believed. 

Of course, R.P.M. starring Elliot Gould and Ann-Margaret is another Masterpiece! It is for rent on streams like Prime 

And then there's Medium Cool 


and then there is "Up The Cellar" 

Then there is ah.. "The Revolutionary" 

and then finally, of 9 films in the SDS genre, is "The Pursuit of Happiness"